Watch this video to learn how to receive your 10-second standing ovation

Imagine it’s your turn. You look around. An audience of 50. It will be your first time on stage…. Delivering your very first speech.

Your hands are sweaty. Your heart is pounding…. like the drums of a lion dance. It tastes like the Sahara Desert in your mouth. And you can feel the butterflies fluttering in your belly.

Every single member in Money Mastery goes thru the same baptism process. And every member for the past 11 years never stopped going back up on stage …..for more.

They continue to go up and deliver their speeches for a wide spectrum of reasons. But one thing that remains constant for each member is the “instant gratification” they get from delivering from the Money Mastery (MMTMC) stage.

Ever received a standing ovation from a stage? How about from a friendly supportive and encouraging 50 strong audiences, standing in unison and directing their thunderous bone-crushing applause towards you?

Imagine how that would you feel? Do you think it would accelerate your process of overcoming your fear?

Fact is, the average speaker probably didn’t experience a standing ovation in their lifetime. We aren’t sure professional speakers do get a standing ovation when they speak either.

MMTMC remains …. “The ONLY TOASTMASTER CLUB” in Singapore to shower ONLY our (prepared speech) speakers with 10 glorious gratifying seconds of standing ovations.

To date, the club has dished out more than…. 
🔴🔴 6️⃣5️⃣0️⃣(SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY) 🔴🔴
standing ovations over the past 11 years to 💯% of our members who delivered on stage.

At Money Mastery, our infamous 10-second standing ovations are given ONLY to our members for their prepared speeches:
• For their time and effort invested in preparing their speech 
• To encourage them, to boost their morale and confidence
• To inspire them to do better 
• To show them that we appreciate their efforts
• To inculcate in them that in life, for as long as they put in the hard work and time, they shall be rewarded. (In our case, that’s a guarantee 😊).

The side effects of rewarding our speakers with such ovations are :
• Our speakers invest more time in preparing their speech
• Speakers experience a faster pace of growth 
• The club gets more quality speeches at our chapters
• Our audience gets to enjoy a better overall experience

One of the little-known facts is that not everyone is brought up in life, conditioned by society, to be comfortable about receiving appreciations and gratitude when it is given.

Some of us sometimes shunned away from compliments by brushing it off. And at other times, we’re too shy to stand up and proudly highlight our accomplishments.

Some simply have lower self-esteem and unconsciously feels that they just don’t deserve such recognition and acknowledgements.

Our members are groomed through the standing ovation process to readily accept compliments and recognition for the hard work they have put into their speech.

And that works wonders in boosting their confidence and ego. Wouldn’t you agree that cultivating a deeply ingrained belief such as……. “for as long as I put in the effort, I shall be rewarded” makes a difference to how you tackle life’s challenges?

The instant gratification right after their speech motivates them to work hard and rehearse harder for their speeches. This in effect helps to dramatically improve their skills as a speaker.

Imagine…… it’s your turn. You look around. An audience of 50. It will be your first time on stage…. Delivering your very first speech. And you’re so looking forward to your first 10-second standing ovation.

That can really happen if you join a Toastmasters club. But not just any Toastmasters club…

⏩Only at Money Mastery (Singapore) Toastmasters Club.⏪

MMTMC 10-second standing ovation