By: Prakash Ramalingam, CC
MMTMC Club President 2018-19

Money Mastery Toastmasters Club has its unique tradition of recording the speeches of every speaker on stage. Every prepared speech, impromptu speech, and the speech evaluation segment is recorded and shared with the members.

How does this help to be a better speaker?

✔️Experience your speech as an audience

Let’s admit it. It sometimes can be awkward that watching yourself speak especially if you aren’t a professional speaker. But the fastest way to become an effective communicator is to assess your impact on the audience. It’s only when we can listen back to something we have said that we get a real understanding of our fluency, accuracy, and naturalness. 
Were you too fast? 

Did you give enough pause for the audience to understand your joke?
Did you have a good eye contact with the audience?

A lot can be learned when you watch yourself in the shoes of an audience.

✔️ The natural body language

Body language is your body’s way of communicating without the use of words. It’s the combination of facial expressions, gestures, and movements that convey what goes on in your mind. Every speaker has a unique style and delivery. But sometimes a particular involuntary mannerism might turn out to be a distraction for the audience. Clasping your arms, looking down trying to remember your lines, letting hands inside your pockets are some of the common examples of distracting body languages.

Watching yourself speak can greatly help to discover your unique style, identify the pitfalls and become a better speaker.

✔️ Every speech is a treasure!

At Money Mastery we take speeches seriously. A good 5-minute speech takes weeks of preparation and efforts by both the speaker and his/her mentor. And to make sure everyone can learn from a speech, the speech recordings are safely shared in the members-only group. Here’s where members can watch and learn from fellow members. Over the years we have a huge collection of recorded speeches (only accessible by members) which can be accessed for reference by any member in the club.

We treasure all speeches including Table Topics and evaluation speeches, and make sure you never miss a speech!

Here’s what our mission states – Dedicated mentoring, in the mastery of public speaking and leadership in a warm and vibrant family. What makes Money Mastery standout is our dedicated attention to our members at every step of their Toastmaster journey!