Metamorphosis Chapter Meeting Recap
“To transform yourself or morph to something greater, you have to work as a team, to learn to lead a team so that each individual can achieve more: TEAM (Together, Everyone Achieves More). That’s what Toastmasters is about… transforming you into leaders through effective communications. (Slogan: Where leaders are made.)”
– Club President, Chai Pei Shan
On 8 Jan 2016, personal transformation and team-building were the main focus of this chapter meeting where members and guests were encouraged to come out of their comfort zone to take on new challenges in 2016. The club had a spectacular start to our first meeting in 2016 with an attendance of over 40 members and guests. The new year usher in new hopes and aspirations for members. MMTMC welcomed 2 new additions to our family: Pamela Lau and Mahendra who joined us officially as new members.
The evening started with the members and guests partaking in the delectable treats with healthy home-cooked dinner while waiting for the programme to start.
At 7.30pm, our Sergeants-at-Arms for the evening, Christopher Kusumowidagdo and Maureen Suryani leaped on stage to energise the crowd with their harmonious and creative banter. Taking the stage as the Toastmasters of the Evening for the first time, Arva Rangwala exuded confidence ready to host the evening’s Metamorphosis.
The Language Evaluator, Mohamad Saddiq, ACG, AL, shared the Word of the Day, “Initiate”, paving the way for a transformative evening.
In the Opening Address, Club President, Chai Pei Shan kicked off the first chapter meeting of the year with a spectacular opening segment that drove home the message of transformation for 2016. Four brave warriors, new members Shuan, Qing Lin, Danny, Mahendran spontaneously took up the challenge on stage and performed a spontaneous team-bonding activity! The audience was ‘wowed’ by the impactful opening act. Through the lively and enthusiastic participation of the members on stage, she illustrated a refreshing concept of teamwork by using the root word for metamorphosis – “META”.
The opening segment shows that, in the club, members can choose to take or give resources. The chair represents the resources. Volunteers sit on them, they take up the resources. As the resources get depleted and the going gets tough (by removing the chair one by one) it is up the human team work and resilience to keep going by leaning on each other. Peishan applauded the new members for their courage and learning spirit. She illuminates the message in the energising activity that — together as a club, Toastmasters can transform you through “TEAM” by communicating Trust, Resilience, Responsibility, and Accountability.
By reorganising the 4 letters from “TEAM” to “META”, she explained another perspective of experiential learning in the club. Peishan revealed that the crux of the message is: to transform yourself or morph to something greater, you have to work as a team, to learn to lead a team so that each individual can achieve more: TEAM (Together, Everyone Achieves More). That’s what Toastmasters is about: transforming you into leaders through effective communications. (Slogan: Where leaders are made.)
The Prepared Speeches Session saw four quality speakers speaking on four different projects. The speakers were exemplifying the very best of MMTMC. New member Tan Qing Lin delivered a refreshing speech about looking at the things through the “rear view mirror” as his Ice Breakers speech. Our VPM, Catherine Lai shared heart-warming photos and stories about her transformative journey through her work and life experiences where she worked with children. Our second VPM, Mannan Pacha shared about his diving experiences. Our Club President, Peishan delivered an advanced project on “Mastering the Toast” and paid tribute to the magnificent members and mentors of MMTMCs.
Then, four seasoned toastmasters delivered their masterful evaluations of the prepared speeches with finesse and provided recommendations that crystalize the crux of the delivery and how the speakers can take the next step forward. Special thanks to our visiting Toastmasters, DTM Wekie Tay, Norman Tan, Arun Sharma for their presence and evaluation of our members’ speech.
A vibrant Table Topics session was helmed by our VPE Chye Bei’an and Janty Widjaja. Our brave speakers included an array of 3 magnificent members Christopher Kusumowidagdo, Danny Suyanto, Shaun Pang, 2 enthusiastic first time speakers, as well as, our loyal and adorable, Zoya expressing their opinions about the theme. The speakers took their first steps into the unknown, taking a leap of faith to improvise based on the topics chosen, master of their 1-2 minutes of talk-time.
Finally, LE Saddiq took the stage and shared on the beauty of the language and the fine speakers who have weaved in the Word of the Day “Initiate” appropriately to delight the audience.
During the closing ceremony, Pei Shan delivered the award to the best speaker, best project evaluator and best table topics. The “Best Project Evaluator” goes to our Visiting Toastmaster, DTM Wekie Tay from NUS Toastmasters Club and the “Best Table Topics Speaker” goes to our new member, Shaun Pang.
The Metamorphosis themed chapter meeting came to a close on a high note with guests feeling inspired and motivated for personal transformations and peak performance this year. The evening’s delights had all who were present raring to go for our next Chapter Meeting and Table Topics Workshop cum Marathon on 22 Jan 2016.
Photo gallery link:
International Speech and Table Topics Contests – 26th February 2016
Click on the button below to download the programme sheet.
☎️ To RSVP, please contact our Organising Chair, Dexter Ng at / 9760 2762.
Visit our Facebook Event Page for this contest for more updates!
Organising Chair & Contest Chair
International Speech Contestants
Table Topics Contestants
Around the World Wednesday
Money Mastery (Singapore) Toastmasters Club (MMTMC) is a vibrant club that embraces cultural diversity and promotes cross-cultural communications.
Since the establishment of MMTMC in 2002, we have a growing base of 40+ members from 7 countries in Asia-Pacific, such as, China, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam.
Today, our club has attracted visiting toastmasters and international friends from America, Australia, Geneva, Germany, Korea, Myanmar, and Turkey. Notable mentions include our international guests who have greatly enjoyed the 2015 installation night, chapter meetings “Eureka!”, “Metamorphosis” and our club’s 13th Anniversary “Superheros” event. Check out the fun and captivating photos below.
“The Musical Finale” chapter meeting concluded the Term 2014-2015 spectacularly. United as one big family, the entire hall was filled with elated members and friends who were mesmerised by lively performances. The event was a superb talent showcase of our speakers speaking, dancing and singing in MMTMC style!
At the “Musical Finale” meeting, Club President Peishan’s brought her friends for a Toastmasters experience: Winnie from Malaysia, Pauline from Singapore and first time guest, Serap Kaya from Turkey.
Visiting Toastmasters from District 59/ Champion Speaker, John Zimmer (International Geneva Toastmasters Club) with our VPE Chye Bei’ An during Installation Night.
Our Club President Chai Pei Shan with John Zimmer and her guest, Saleem.
Our multi-racial Exco team 2015-2016 at “Eureka!” to launch the first “Improv” session in a Toastmasters setting: Abbas, Mannan, Desmond, Zhang Yuan, Peishan, Bei’an, Catherine, Arva, Raymond.
Our guest, Harald Battran from Germany with Money Mastery’s friends Lawrence Lee, Eugene Seah and Club President Peishan.
Arva’s guest, Claudette Sutherland from Los Angeles.
Visiting Toastmasters family Jason Topp and Lyn Cassar from Australia.
During our inaugural “Improv” session, our members Mike Lee and Abbas Vakharia enjoying themselves on stage with visiting Toastmasters from Australia.
A group of passionate Toastmasters/ members, Karen Lim, Adelin Lim, Jei Sim, and Desmond Yam visited 2015 Toastmasters International Convention in KL.
Club Advisor, Raymond Ee, with World Champion of Public Speaking, Lance Miller at District 80 Annual Conference.
At the District 80 Semi Annual Conference in Singapore, our Club President Chai Pei Shan
emerged as the District 80 Humorous Speech 1st Runner-Up and met with luminary leaders, Jana Barnhill (Immediate Past President of Toastmasters International) and Tammy Miller (Immediate Past International Director of Toastmasters International).
Our Club Sponsor and International Director DTM Patrick Oei presenting the top prize award to our winner/member, Aaron Khoo at the inaugural “Superheros” 13th Anniversary’s Talent Show.
Our guest from Ukraine, Nadya Ryshchuk, with our club mentor, Michell Sheya Wong at the 13th Anniversary event.
Nadya with VPM Catherine Lai and our member, Maureen Suryani at the “Metamorphosis” chapter meeting.
Upcoming Events in February and March 2016:
Our club is filled with vibrancy and dynamic speakers. Come and experience an unforgettable evening on 26 February 2016, at 26 Tai Seng Street, Level 4!
For the first time ever, you will witness a fleet of talent and be inspired by our 20 contestants belting out their best international speeches, just for you!
To reserve a seat, please contact Dexter Ng (+65 97602762) or visit our event page at
On 11 March , we will be back at IE Singapore to bring you a full Toastmasters programme. Titled “Leap of Faith”, it will feature a dazzling segment of Prepared Speeches, Project Evaluations, Language Evaluation, ah-Counter, and Table Topics Session. Be sure to mingle and meet with like-minded Toastmasters friends on 11 March!
See you soon!
Chai Pei Shan,
Club President, MMTMC
Spotlight on Members – “New Members in Action!”

As a team, the passionate, creative and energetic new members contributed their creativity, and dedicated lots of efforts to organise our club’s most elaborated 13th Anniversary networking event in Nov 2015.
What’s the exciting plans ahead?
Come cheer for all our members at our International Speech and Table Topics Contests on 26 Feb 2016! Experience your own experiential learnings through our 2 March chapter meetings “Leap of Faith” on 11 March and 18 March!
The dedicated and nurturing MMTMC team continues to provide a warm atmosphere where members can step up and shine! We hope to encourage all members to achieve their professional/personal goals, to grow confidence in speaking, and communicating.
2016 Calendar of Meetings & Events
All in one calendar for our club activities! Keep this handy calendar with you for Jan – Jul 2016.
Don’t miss our exciting meetings this year!
Masquerade Chapter Meeting Recap
If you could put on a mask and party all night, where would you go? Money Mastery (Singapore) Toastmasters Club’s (MMTMC) Masquerade Chapter Meeting would be the place to be at on the night of 13 Nov. Many members of MMTMC and guests attending the Masquerade “Ball” at 26 Tai Seng Street came bearing Mardi Gras masks, party theme masks and even protective N-95 masks.
The evening started with the members and guests partaking in the wonderfully wholesome home-cooked bee-hoon and sweet and savoury muffins while waiting for the main event.
At 7.25pm sharp our Sergeants-at-Arms for the evening, Tommy Chew and Angel Chan, came up on stage in surgical and N-95 masks, energising the crowd with their humorous banter. Our Toastmasters of the Evening, Claire Cheong and Aaron Khoo then followed and delighted the audience with their good looks and charm. Claire was in a stunning little black dress and bolero jacket while Aaron was in a smart black suit with a bowtie. They exuded elegance, ready to host the evening’s Masquerade Ball.

Aaron and Gang
The Language Evaluator, charismatic and charming DTM Glenn Lim, shared the Word of the Day, “enchant”, paving the way for a truly unforgettable and enchanting evening.
In the opening Address, Club President, Chai Pei Shan shared her vision for the club, the important contributions made by the previous Exco, the challenges ahead and the cumulation and celebration of our 13th Club Anniversary on 20 Nov, a day for Superheroes, a day for MMTMC.
The Prepared Speeches Session saw four quality speakers speaking on four different projects. The speakers were a band of sisters, exemplifying the very best of MMTMC. Lin Yuan spoke about being true to oneself and living a life without regrets—a mantra to live by. Arva Rangwala talked about her beautiful childhood, the importance of human interactions, friendship, and all the things in life to be treasured. Janty Widjaja shared about the trials and tribulations of everyday work-life and about how finding the right attitude is key. Karen Lim, working on her first project in the Story-Telling advanced manual, regaled us with a folk tale on how the rainbow was made.
Following the prepared speeches, our dedicated club adviser, Jeffery Seah, delivered a club update for the ages, sharing the stage and honouring our immediate past Exco members who have sowed the seeds of our club’s success, raising the bar and challenging the current Exco to bring MMTMC to greater heights.

Members from our immediate past Exco with Club Advisor
Then, four seasoned toastmasters delivered their evaluations of the prepared speeches with finesse and provided recommendations that crystalize the crux of the delivery and how the speakers can take the next step forward. Special thanks to our visiting Toastmaster, Area E4 Director, Prem Methani for his presence and evaluation of one of our speakers.
The Table Topics session began with a bang, with the witty repartee between the lovely Wendy Lee and the “Smoking Master” Chandran Kanapethey. Our brave speakers include the ever-lovable and indomitable Zoya, the refreshing Rayana, the gentlemanly Shalen, the studious Jerome and enthusiastic Ikhlash. The speakers took their first steps into the unknown, taking a leap of faith to improvise based on the topics chosen, master of their two minutes of talk-time.

Beautiful Wendy and Erudite Chandran
When Glenn took the stage, he had the audience mesmerized. He was in his element, conducting the language evaluation in a clear, concise manner, wowing the audience on the art of the use of rhetorical devices and vivid imagery in making a good speech great.

LE Glenn Lim in his element
During the closing ceremony, Pei Shan delivered the award to the best speaker, best project evaluator and best table topics. The best prepared speaker was a tie between the animated Toastmaster Arva and our very own Story Spinner, Competent Communicator Karen. The best Project Evaluator goes to our language guru, Toastmaster Michell Sheya Wong and the best table topics speaker goes to our first-time visitor, the fabulous Rayana.

Claire with the”Ladies”
The masquerade themed chapter meeting came to a close on a high note with guests sharing their delight in how much fun they had and how much they had learned. The evening’s delights had all who were present raring to go for our next Chapter Meeting on 11 Dec – “May the Force be with You”.