Date: 24 Feb 2017
Written by: Chai Pei Shan, ACB, ALB 

The mega blockbuster speech contest was launched on 24 Feb 2017 at our Tai Seng home. Like the “Oscars” of Speech, our flagship club contest, “International Speech and Table Topics Contests” was a grand one and attracted an overwhelming response with over 70 members and guests attending!
Unlike the “Oscars”, every single detail of the event was smoothly executed without a glitch by the Organising Chairman, Desmond Yam, Contest Chair, Adelin Lim, and his team. Special thanks to Chief Judge, Jenny Au who has brought a delegation of judges to help our club find the best champions that evening.

Once you stepped into the hall, you can feel the atmosphere – starting from the sumptuous spread of the dinner; you can hear the exciting  voices, occasional giggles and conversations that sparked off between strangers; and the eruption of laughter as Toastmasters and guests gathered at the event to welcome one another and catch up. It was a splendid reunion!

Contestants were clad in professional wear, confidently rehearsing their speeches, testing the stage, or speaking to friends and supporters to share with them about our club and the contest.

Visitors and appointment holders were clamouring with curiosity to find out more about the speeches and the awesome culture of Money Mastery that they heard about. During my interaction the guests and appointment holders, I realised that they were mostly first time visitors and was curious about what inspired the name of our club and the culture embedded within us that kept us united over the years –  they came from all parts of Singapore and heard about the greatness of the club through the recent District80 newsletter that featured our club, or was invited by Chief Judge, DTM Jenny Au or by friends’ referral.

The Organising Chair cum VPE, CC Desmond Yam and the Exco team were busy as bees organising the spectacular show. Rika, Inge, Aaron, Abbas, Raymond, and Pamela and other “unsung heroes behind the scenes” were ensuring that our event was well executed, and top-notch after months of curation.

The atmosphere in the hall is intoxicated with enthusiasm as the climate of competition started to build up. The entire hall was swamping with guests and friends of contestants. As a non-contesting member who was serving as a mentor and IPP this time, I spoke to some first-time contestants and my mentees,  Lim Sweehoe and Jovin Ong to encourage them, and club members, Arva, Bei’an, Janty, Shawn, Zhang Yuan who were  contesting to calm their nervousness and share contest tips.

Language is not a barrier. Several appointment holders from Mandarin Toastmasters community came to learn more from our excellent speakers and support our club: Joanna Jia, Club President of SCCCI, Nancy Cheng and Latt Latt from Toastmasters Club of Singapore and Singapore Mandarin Toastmasters Club served as appointment holders.

Before we knew, the time has come and the block buster speech contest was ready to start with the hall filled with audience. The Contest Chair Adelin Lim, emerged on stage
with an air of authority to kick start the annual contest.

All six contestants (photos below) delivered their international speeches with inspiration, dedication and with humour. Judging from the large doses of laughter from the audience, they were certainly entertained by the wit and eloquence of our members who participated. Shawn Lee and Lim Swee Hoe were  the only male contestants this round and both were dressed suavely for the occasion. Both spoke about their poignant yet precious relationship lessons from friends and “Daddy”. The female speakers, Arva, Janty, Karen, Zhang Yuan were oozing with elegance as they speak on their inspirational themes centred on hope, courage and perseverance. The speakers mesmerised the audience with their personal stories, rich vocal charisma and body language that captured the hearts and minds of the judges and audience.

The Table Topics was a gruelling yet exhilarating experience for our line up of eight speakers. The thought-provoking philosophical Table Topic question was,”Do you make decisions based on the needs of others?”

Some of them debated on the topics furiously, some told a story to engage the audience, some convey memorable lines or deliver a key message – all of them did their best and spoke spontaneously to persuade, and connect with the audience.

Unity in Diversity:

Congratulations to all our members who participated at this contest:

Special thanks to all our appointment holders from supporting clubs like IPA Toastmasters, TMCS,SCCCI, Mandarin Toastmasters Club and especially to our Chief Judge DTM Jenny Au.

The results of the contests were finally announced. Our female speakers bag the loudest applauses and biggest accolades for this evening!

The winners for International Speech Contest are:

3rd place winner: Zhang Yuan

2nd place winner: Arva Rangwala

Champion: Karen Lim

The winners for the Table Topics Contest are:

3rd place winner: Karen Lim

2nd place: Chandran Kanapathey

Champion: Arva Rangwala

Congratulations to Arva Rangwala, Karen Lim and Chandran Kanapathey for representing our club at the Area D3 contest on 1 April 2017 (no, it ain’t a joke!)

Come and support our club champions!

See you there to cheer them on in our MMTMC style!