1. Tell us a little more about yourself and what do you do?
I am Senior Software Engineer by profession and have around 7 years of experience in building commercial software products for diverse clients across the US, EU and Singapore. I spend my typical day mostly programming or attending meetings giving technical consultation for my customers. My profession demands to stay up to date with the latest development in the software field and I try to learn something new every day!
2. What has been your most memorable experience in MMTMC so far?
Every chapter meeting to me is to be cherished but my most memorable experience in MMTMC was my tenure as the Club President (2018-2019). From being a member who gave speeches and enjoyed the meetings to become a first-time leader who is responsible for running the show and maintain the stellar standards of one of the top-notch clubs in Singapore was challenging but a fantastic learning experience.
3. How has being a toastmaster changed your life?
Phenomenally. I believe the greatest challenge to any of us would be to get out of our comfort zones. Be it waking up 5 AM in the morning or following your passion to venture into entrepreneurship, it takes a lot of courage to try difficult things and be successful at it. Toastmasters has simply given me that immense confidence and courage to face my fears and march towards my personal and professional goals. This, I strongly believe is what a person can gain from Toastmasters beyond public speaking and leadership.
4. What motivates you to take up a role as a mentor?
Public Speaking, Leadership and Mentorship are the three main pillars of Toastmasters. Having tried my hand with the first two, I was inspired to take up mentorship from my own mentor. I wish to share the invaluable learnings I have got from my mentor and the senior members of MMTMC with the newer members. Also, as they say, “Mentorship is a two-way journey”. By giving my mentees useful insights and guidance, I too wish to personally learn and grow from the role.
5. What is your top de-stressing activity?
Chilling with a couple of close friends for a dinner/drink would always be my top favorite de-stressing activity. My other interests include freelance content writing, watching movies and swimming during weekends.
6. If you can invite anyone for dinner, who will you invite and why?
Mr.Aditya Maheshwaren. He is a management consultant by profession, an executive coach and more popular for clinching the 1st runner up title during World Championship of Public Speaking 2015 at Las Vegas. He and I hail from the same home club in India, the Chennai Toastmasters Club. He came a celebrated chief guest to my home club when I attended my first ever Toastmasters meeting as a guest. I want to invite him for dinner and let him know he was the one who ignited my interest to join Toastmasters. I also would hear his story of how Toastmasters has impacted his profession as a management consultant and leadership coach.