1. Tell us a little more about yourself and what do you do?
Hello everyone! My name is Qing Lin, and I am currently a student from NUS, studying Business Administration, specialising in Business Analytics. I am a person who is passionate about the future, nature and adventure. I don’t know how this rhyme came about, but I guess it’s a habit to write fancy things when it comes to Toastmasters haha. I joined Toastmasters back when I was serving the army, as I am someone introspective and I feel like I have something to share with other people, so Toastmasters became the place for me to do so. Oh, and I used to be in drama for 10 years, so I tend to be a more dramatic speaker on stage, you’d see!
2. What would be your most memorable experience in MMTMC so far?
Honestly, there are many! One of the most memorable experience would definitely be the time where I participated in the humorous speech contest in my first year in MMTMC. I was competing in the area, division and district level, and I will never forget the days where the club would gather after every contest to run through my script, give me suggestions and help me improve for the next contest. I felt like I have grown tremendously as a speaker then, and I’m so grateful for it. There’s nothing quite like the Money Mastery village preparing you to win a contest, and that is why we have been quite successful in the big stage as well. Some honourable mentions include our 15th club anniversary organised by Mike on the yacht, and some of the more emotional moments I had as club president (the triumphant and the tough times), but they were all great memories in the end.
3. How has being a Toastmaster changed your life?
Funny thing, because it actually did. Being in Toastmasters, and making the effort to be active has helped me to make a lot of friends in the community, and opened doors for me to visit strange/cool places as I visit other clubs (I love exploring btw), be it Goldman Sachs’ meeting rooms, or a strange office building in Shanghai, Toastmasters actually created many interesting life experiences for me. I am currently on exchange in Beijing, and because of Toastmasters, I was able to get to know many local friends and bond over this activity that we are all familiar with, and I think that is super cool! Apart from that, Toastmasters also helped me get to know some of the kindest, nicest and smartest people, and I am so grateful to have gotten to know them.
4. What motivates you to take up a role as a mentor?
For me, it will be to give back to the club. I felt like I have benefited a lot from other people’s kindness, and I want to give it back to our new members and show them what our club is all about 🙂
5. What is your top de-stressing activity?
Getting my work done honestly, and I also like to indulge myself in YouTube videos and read articles when I have time!
6. If you can invite anyone for dinner, who will you invite and why?
Well, technically I can invite anyone for dinner, it’s just whether they would attend or not haha. I guess I would go with my parents, because I have been staying in school, and out for exchange, so much so that I haven’t actually eaten with them for a bit. I would love to cook something for them, but I would have to learn how to cook first.