Dear MMTMC Family Members,

What are your fondest memories of the club’s 13th Anniversary on 20th November 2015? My fondest memories have to be those of all of you who were present to make this event heartwarming. My heartfelt appreciation and thanks to the organizing committee and appointment holders for all your effort in the most elaborate, entertaining and engaging birthday bash.


Stepping into the hall, I was greeted by colorful displays of superhero-themed balloons, and a wall of intricately hand-cut spider web designs.

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Most special of all, was the photo booth that was set up with props for us to use when taking polaroids for souvenirs. The organizing committee even invited cosplayers to pose with us at the photo booth. There were characters like Ghost in the Shell Major Motoko, Super Mario Luigi and a pretty Victorian-era English lady.

The members of our organizing committee also dressed up as superheroes: Catherine was the beautiful Batwoman, Tommy, the righteous Robin Hood, Maureen, the babyish Babs Bunny and Christopher K, the zealous Zorro.

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No party is complete without delectable food. We had the luxury of ten-course menu in a romantic outdoor deck that set the perfect ambience for guests and members to get to know one another better.

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Entertaining and Engaging:

Energetic Karen & Chandran kick started the evening as wonderful TMEs.

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Then we had the honour of having three distinguished guests sharing with us the hallmarks of leadership: International Director Mr Patrick Oei, District Director Ms Tay Yiang Ping and Club Mentor & Past District Governor Mr Michael Rodrigues.

Truly, as Mr Patrick Oei has defined “A great leader is one who breeds more new leaders”. MMTMC embodies this belief and on this joyous occasion, we had Past Presidents and previous EXCO members who have witnessed how far we have come over the past 12 years to share in our celebrations. The appreciation of their dedicated commitment and contribution was led by our Club President, Chai Pei Shan. Surely, this would serve as a great inspiration for all, bringing MMTMC to greater heights together as a family.

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What would a superhero night be without challenges for the superheroes to save the world? Our table topics masters Dexter and Benjamin skilfully crafted an improv game based on the theme. The improv game called for quick thinking and the task was to solve a contemporary societal issue. We had three crises that Jacky, Michell & Janty’s teams had to solve.

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Next came the showcase of our Superheroes’ talents that made us laugh non-stop. Su Anne & Tabita danced energetically Bollywood-style for us. Siew Onn charmed us with sweet talk. Vicky sang Happy Birthday a-la Marilyn Monroe. Eleven-year-old Zoya, who dressed up as Thor entertained us with her frank sharing on how much she loved to hate her weekend language classes. Aaron, aka Sharon, stunned everyone with his impressive cleavage, hot pants and titillating dance.

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Then the presentation of awards commenced:

Aaron bagged the most coveted Talent Award of the night. Michell’s team (Aaron and Mike Lee) won the improv table topic. The Best Dressed awards went to Danny, who made a tall and dashing Captain America and Nancy, whose Florence Nightingale was both beautiful and sweet.

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The night was truly a testament of how close-knit the MMTMC family is. And as hospitable hosts, you can be sure that the guests all looked like they were having a blast!

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The big night culminated with the singing of the Happy Birthday song to MMTMC and our enjoying the tasty superheroes cupcakes and the chocolate cakes Zoya baked especially for us.

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The birthday celebration may be over, but the memories stay forever. We are a family that eats, drinks, laughs and grows together.

Remember, Money Mastery Makes Members Matters!

Cherishing these moments,

Wendy Lee

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