If you want to witness what the sense of wonder is like, just observe a child. A child whose whole world is defined by wonder and curiosity – without any judgments, without any fears!

As we grow up, we lose our sense of wonder.  We are constantly in a need to understand the outcome of our actions, such that we often miss the magic of life.
When was the last time we trusted life with its surprises, the last time we paused our lives and appreciated the present moment?

The ability to wonder is a quality we were born with. All we need to do is to reclaim it once again.

If you have ever wondered what it feels like to walk onto a stage and speak to an audience or how it feels to overcome your fear of public speaking – join us on 23rd March and witness a wonderful evening. Our speakers are united by their childlike wonder, which has encouraged them to overcome their fears and enthrall the audience with their confidence.

What a proud moment it is for a mentor to share the stage with her mentee. Come and witness this unique Mentor-Mentee chemistry as Pei Shan and Pamela entertain you as the Toastmasters of the Evening.

Let us remind ourselves of the joy of having that curiosity that we once had!

Let us come together and pledge to “Wonder Often. Wonder Always.”.

See you there!


Download the programme sheet here: MMTMC Program Sheet – 23 Mar – Wonder Often. Wonder Always..